Monday, February 6, 2012

Gusto Da Gianni

Restaurant Name Gusto da Gianni

Convivial Dinner Date
Thursday 27th May 2010

Restaurant Address
Portside Wharf, Remora Road, Hamilton, 4007 Brisbane

Phone +61 (07) 3868 2011


Convivial Menu

A selection of tartine


Gnocchi al gorgonzola, Gnocchi filled with Gorgonzola Cheese and served with a Sage, Butter & Walnut Sauce

Beef Carpaccio, served with Fresh Rocket, Button Mushrooms, Parmesan Cheese and Organic Olive Oil

Salmone all’Agro Dolce, Crispy Skin Atlantic Salmon served with a Apple, Walnut and Parmesan Salad with a Salsa Verde

Tagliata di manzo con patate arrosto, 200gram Rib Fillet served Medium with a Truffle Mash, Wild Mushrooms and a Red Wine Jew.


Semifreddo, Mango Semifreddo served with Fresh Cream and Berries

Review English

Great success for the night organised in the occasion of the launch of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina in Brisbane that was held on Thursday 27th of May .

This important and very interesting event, was intentionally insert in another event, of the Official Italian Week in which dealt every kind of theme, from the gastronomy, and Italian gastronomy, is known, is renowned in all over the world, to sport, fashion to the Italian style in its smaller details. The event started on the 26th of May, with the opening in the presence of the Brisbane, Mr. Newman Campbell and it finished the last 2nd of June, the Republic Day in Italy.

This Festival represents an event craved from the Italian Government, and under the superintendence of the Italian Consulate on Brisbane, it reached, with increasing success, its fourth year of production.

The Producer and the organiser of all the events enclosed in the Italian Week programme, Alessandro Sorbello, has voluntarily agreed with the proposal of the Consulate to develop this project spending his time and working hard to achieve the good success of the Festival. It's for this reason that during the Italian Week, the producer was decorated with one of the most important and great acknowledgment recognised in the State of Italy: "Cavaliere OSSI hand in by the Consul Capecchi with the follow motivation: "Businessman in the field of communication, he gave a lot of visibility to Italy through cultural and promotional project that he promoted and organised at first hand or in collaboration with the Italian Institutions like the Italian Consulate in Brisbane, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and the The Producer Sorbello has enthusiastically agree with the proposal of the Italian Consulate in Brisbane to create an Italian festival that could celebrate our country coming the day of Festa della Repubblica giving his time and his services to the common purpose.

The project, realized and consolidated thanks to his passion and his professionalism achieved unanimous consents and recognitions such to become a point of reference for the Brisbane Italian community and for the Australian that harbour admiration and friendly feelings towards Italy".

The dinner of the Accademia was inserted in this context voluntarily, with the purpose to give a visibility to the Accademia itself.

In that night it shouldn't miss the entertainment of some appreciate and welcomed guests of international importance that were arrived in Brisbane just for this occasion. Among these guests, there were the awaited Patrizio Buanne , singer and musician whom qualities are recognised and admired all over the world. After an introductory speech he performed entertaining pleased guests.

Performed also Lisa Hunt , exceptional singer known also to was been Zucchero's vocalist, she sang a song just for the event; Natalie Gauci , the winner of the television format "Australian Idol" in 2007;

Roberto Nobilia who signed the initial of the Italian Week and 
Veronica Tornabene, the winner together with her husband Shadi Abraham of the kitchen television programme on channel 7 "My kitchen Rules".

To celebrate the importance of the event the Delegation of the Accademia chose like background the elegant and welcoming restaurant "Gusto da Gianni historical and characteristic Italian restaurant synonymous of confidence and high quality.

It didn't miss opening speech like that held by the Italian Consul for Queensland e Northern Territory, Francesco Capecchi,   which spoke in behalf of the President of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina, Giovanni Ballarini, who sent a wish message since he cannot participate to the event.

Afterward the Onorevole Commendatore Santo Santoro spoke entertaining guests with a sincere speech.

At the end it didn't miss the speech of the Delegate Alessandro Sorbello , founder of the Brisbane Delegation. After he officialised the charge of the Academicians with the consignment of the gifts sent by the President Ballarini: the Academicians card, the badge, the tie or the scarf for the sole Academician women, Academicians Carnet, and the Accademia publishing, all accompanied by the hearty round of applause.

It was been a special dinner also for the renowned kitchen that suggested different tastes and flavours that succeeded to transport the entire guest in a warm Italian atmosphere.

Also for this reason it was useful to remember all the courses that, pointed out by the menu arranged on the tables, are been showed before the beginning of the dinner by the young Chef.

The menu included beef carpaccio served with Fresh Rocket, Button Mushroom, Parmesan cheese and organic oil to starter; chiusoni alle melanzane, Sardinian homemade pasta with grape tomatoes and eggplant, like first dish; salmone all'agrodolce, crispy skin Atlantic salmon served with a apple, walnut and parmesan salad with a salsa verde like second dish of fish or tagliata di manzo with truffle mash, wild mushrooms and red wine jew served medium like a second dish of meet; in the end apple torte served with freshly whipped cream like dessert... all courses are been served inevitably by three kind of wine: Gancia prosecco, Sapiri 2006 and Nero d'Avola 2007.

The event was very appreciated by the guests who take part both in the dinner and in the other event in programme with a strong participation and enthusiasm. Media didn't miss to report with a lot of articles published in a lot of journal, the great success of the Italian Week, pointed out the good organisation and the grand result of this important event that was able to stand out the timeless and inimitable Italian style.

Review Italian

Grande successo per la serata organizzata in occasione dell'inaugurazione del nuova delegazione Australiana dell'Accademia a Brisbane che ha suscitato grande interesse ed è stata inserita nell'ambito della "Settimana Italiana" (Italian Week), evento in cui vengono trattati temi propri della gastronomia italiana. Tale Festival rappresenta un evento fortemente voluto dal Governo Italiano e, con la collaborazione del Consolato d'Italia in Brisbane, è giunto romani con crescente successo al suo quarto anno di realizzazione.

L'inserimento della cena accademica in tale contesto è stato una scelta finalizzata a dare una maggiore visibilità all'Accademia stessa. La serata è stata allietata dall'immancabile intrattenimento di alcuni apprezzatissimi e graditi ospiti giunti a Brisbane per l'occasione. Tra questi Patrizio Buanne, cantante e musicista ammirato in tutti il mondo. Sono intervenuti anche Lisa Hunt (nota anche per essere stata la vocalist di Zucchero); Natalie Gauci, vincitrice del formar televisivo "Australian Idol" nel 2007, Roberto Nobilia che ha firmato la sigla della "Settimana Italiana" e Veronica Tornabene vincitrice, insieme al marito Shadi Abraham, del programma televisivo di cucina su CAnale 7 "My kitchen rules" .

Per celebrare l'evento la delegazione ha scelto l'elegante e accogliente ristorante "Gusto da Gianni", storico e caratteristico locale. Non sono mancati discorsi di apertura tra i quali quello tenuto dal console d'Italia per il Queensland e Northern Territory, Francesco Capecchi, il quale ha parlato in nome e per conto del Presidente dell'Accademia, Giovanni Ballarini, che ha invitato un messaggio augurale.

Ha preso poi la parola l'onorevole commendatore Santo Santoro che ha intrattenuto gli ospiti con in interessante discorso. Infine il Delegato Alessandro Sorbello, promotore della delegazione, ha ufficializzato l'ingresso degli Accademici consegnando i doni invitati dal Presidente Ballarini.

Si è trattato di una serata speciale anche la cucina raffinata in grado di suggerire differenti gusti e sapori e che è riuscita a trasportare i presenti in un'accogliente atmosfera italiana.

Published by Accademia


Certificate of Recognition

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